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How to blend your Heart & Head together? The Heart & Brain Coherence (HBC)
Have you ever wondered what happens when you dream? Well it's nothing more than a natural process, happening as the part of your metabolic order. Just have a check.
What your dream is & why you have dreams: Dreams can be treated as hallucinations, you have while sleeping. It appears that you are likely to have strong dreams during REM sleep, or the rapid eye movement stage. You can't recall most of your dreams. You experience quick eye movements beneath your eyelids during the REM sleep cycle. You will have increased brain activity, quick pulse rate and vivid dreams during REM sleep. It seems that your REM sleep cycle begins after you've been sleeping for around 90 minutes. This is the stage when your Limbic system is stimulated. Actually speaking, your dreams are the electric brain impulses, generated out of your random thoughts and imagery from your memories. Dreams do not have any meanings but they are the part of complex biological system. Dreaming, in general, can be the reflection of your actual life related concerns, desires worries or doubts. Generally speaking, your dream lasts for a few seconds or for 20–30 minutes. It appears that emotional and memory-related structures of the brain are reactivated when you dream. In your sleep, what happens is that your conscious mind becomes dormant while the subconscious mind stays fully awake. When you dream, you get subject to some emotional memory reactivation process where your brain reprocesses your doubts, worries or memories in a calm environment. As a byproduct of your sleep, dreaming ensures your wellbeing. Some people can learn something or get inspired from the dreams. Dreaming is the process through which the brain cogitates your acquired knowledge and then extracts points. The dreaming process helps you develop long term memories and helps you solve the existing problems. This is how the positive aspect of your dream works. You can use Lucid dreaming to program yourself as well. If you are a spiritually awakened person, you get intuitive guidance and messages from the higher realms through dreams.
A chemical process: The whole brain appears to be active during a dream process. When you have the REM sleep, blood flow to the The right hemisphere of the brain is increased and you are given the dream experience by the process of electrophysiological stimulation. Dreaming takes you to an altered state of consciousness. It appears that your dreams are organized in such a way that you are given a story- like experience with the inner visualization of internally generated sensory effects. The Neurotransmitters like Melatonin and Oxytocin Acetylcholine are released while dreaming. Your dreams including nightmares are the results of different chemicals being released in the brain when you are asleep. The activation of the neurotransmitter Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) makes you fall asleep. The Limbic system in the brain deals with your emotions and the Amygadla is associated with your fear in dreams. The Cortex can be held responsible for the contents of your dreams.
Why you have nightmares: Nightmares are the bad aspects of your dreams. Even though nightmares are more common among children, it appears that some adults have nightmares on occasion. And it seems that between 2% and 8% of the adult population is plagued by nightmares. Nightmares appear to be so realistic that it makes you awake sometimes. It makes your heart beat faster. You experience nightmares during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. The periods of REM sleep become progressively longer as the night progresses and you're likely to have nightmares most often in the early morning hours. Nightmares in adults can be triggered by your anxiety, Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), sleep disorders, depression, diseases, emotional difficulties etc. Nightmares in children are triggered by a frightening experience, a scary film, worry or doubt.
How you can get over nightmares: Choose a dark room to sleep where you don't have disturbance from any bright light sources. Regularize your sleeping pattern. Fix a regular time to go to bed and get up. It's very good if you keep your room's temperature cool at night. Avoid alcohol from your life and especially avoid having it just before you go to bed. Alcohol consumption is capable of disrupting your sleep cycle and adversely affects your REM sleep cycle in such a way that nightmares can be triggered. Your habit of smoking can be responsible for disturbing dreams and excessive daytime sleeping tendencies. You are supposed to avoid junk food too. Deep-fried and oily food items can cause gastric acid to flare, disturbing your sleep cycle. You are supposed to avoid pre-bedtime snacks which can make your brain more active in such a way that nightmares may be triggered. Try to avoid late night supper or heavy meals right before bed. Research shows that sleeping in a warm room causes your dreams to become more vivid and that could lead to more intense nightmares. Any regular exercise you do can contribute to more sound and restful sleep. Regular exercise is always recommended for much better sleep. Regular exercise can trigger feelings of drowsiness and you're likely to have a peaceful night. Actually speaking, you are a programmable species. Your brain works like the software which you can change and reprogram anytime you want. You can operate it as you do with your TV. You can stay tuned only to the channels or programs you like. A meditation for 10 to 15 minutes is recommended before you go to bed if you have successive cycles of nightmares. Reaffirm the fact that you are so powerful and are the part of the Universe. Have an inner visualization that you have peaceful sleep. Mediation is the best brain control mechanism available, the practice of which can not only make you more positive and powerful but can also give you a relaxing sleeping experience...