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IELTS Coaching/Life Coaching Center in Palakkad, Kerala, India

IELTS Coaching/Life Coaching Center in Palakkad, Kerala, India

Click >  IELTS PERSONAL COACHING 🔑 TAKE AN APPOINTMENT VIA  WhatsApp  MESSAGE Coaching is the Key🔑 ONLINE IELTS COACHING OUR SPIRITUAL SERVICES IELTS Academic coaching is designed to help individuals prepare for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Academic exam. This exam is typically required for admission to universities and colleges in English-speaking countries and is also used for professional registration purposes. Here are some key points about IELTS Academic coaching from our end: Content and Format: IELTS Academic assesses a candidate's ability to use English in an academic context. It includes four sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. IELTS coaching for the Academic module focuses on these specific skills. Experienced Instructors:  Our Coaching center offers online platforms as well and we have experienced instructors who are well-versed in the IELTS Academic test forma...

How to overcome Depression?

The Negative Polarization of Energy

How to overcome depression? Well, it appears that it's 100% possible and can be done by yourself without anyone else's help. Depression is actually your mental health disorder with which you lose interest in life, causing the impairment of your active involvement in life. Depression comes up with a bunch of psychological problems which adversely affect the normal way the brain functions, making you extremely fearful, distressful or worried. Depression makes you have many behavioral and physical disorders like changes in sleep, appetite, energy level, concentration, daily behavior or self-esteem. Depression makes you so sad in such a way that you may even trigger suicidal ideation. Depression affects the way you think, making you emotionally weak. There are different types of depression and different factors are responsible for your depression. The most prominent factors are some drugs you take, alcohol consumption, life stressors. Sometimes, genetic vulnerability can be a reason. These factors can definitely affect the way your brain functions. You are powerful enough to change your neurochemistry on demand. Actually speaking, depression results from a chemical imbalance you have in the brain. The three neurotransmitters which can be held responsible for depression are Dopamine Norepinephrine and Serotonin. Depression triggers the release of Cortisol which causes the Amygdala that is responsible for your emotional responses to be larger and more active. As a result, you are likely to have sleep disorders and changes in some hormones. Major depression can adversely affect the volume of your brain, causing your cognitive impairment. It appears that chronic depression makes your brain physically aged faster than normal. Depression can speed up your aging process. This is how you become more vulnerable to the diseases, associated with old age. The subcortical limbic brain regions associated with depression are the Amygdala, the Hippocampus, and the Dorsomedial Thalamus. The functional abnormalities or structural issues in these areas can make you repressed. Decreased Hippocampal volumes have been found in the depressed patients. Severe depression definitely damages your brain, causing brain shrinkage and grey matter abnormalities. Follow the steps below to deal with depression. 

A) Recognize what's happening: Understand the fact your system works through different chemical processes inside and your moods definitely change moment by moment. If you find that your mood is not changeable or lasting longer, it happens so, because of the fact that you allow it to be so. With a little bit focus from your part, you can easily control the way your biochemistry works. Set a boundary for everything you do or have. You can let yourself have emotions but there's no need for you to stay stuck with the emotions. Suppressing your feelings and emotions is ultimately unhealthy. Know the fact that every single moment you are a new person. Nothing is permanent in a simulated Universe let alone your depression. Always remember that you are a pitch of pure conscious energy (Spirit) which is full of the Universe and is way more powerful than you think. It's pretty amazing to know that you can easily control your emotions. Emotions are always triggered via external factors which you make internal. Your reality sometimes doesn't have anything to do with the truth. Every single moment is new in its totality and it's your choice whether you need to be in it or always carry the past with you. The past, you had is done forever and you can't change it. What you can literally do is change your mindset which is totally engulfed by the past. Learn lessons, needed from the past and that's only what you are supposed to do with your past and be corrected. Be a changed person. And focus on the present because that's the reality. 

B) Reorganize life: If you feel depressed, it's high time you changed the course of your life. Make your life 100% systematic and maintain routine. Start your day with a 5- minute meditation to reprogram the depressed brain. When you do something you love like walking, biking or whatever, it's more relaxing and energizing always. Use music to change your mood and it's 100% helpful. Spending some time in Nature leaves you less depressed. Exposure to sunlight for some time can increase your Serotonin levels, which can provide a temporary mood boost. The processed food items, you take make you more vulnerable to be depressed. A diet full of whole fiber-rich grains, fruits, vegetables and fish can always boost up your spirits. In fact, smoking is making your depression worse. If you are a smoker, you are more likely to get depressed as Nicotine can damage some pathways in the brain which are responsible for regulating your moods. If you want to tackle your depression more effectively in the long-run, you have to consider changing the habit of smoking. Alcohol is a depressant which can make you more likely to get the blues. Drinking makes you act on impulse and makes you depressed.

C) Renew the pattern of life: Always be sociable and if you can't spend time together in person, make sure that you get interactive via phone calls or video calls. Interaction is the best Antidepressant. Always promote your volunteering skills lying dormant inside, spending time with other people and doing something new. Try to volunteer and give your time to someone or something else. Try to spend more time with your friends, relatives and family members and this is how you conquer your urge to get isolated. Promote your gardening skills. Plants are definitely important. Gardening can make you in contact  with Mycobacterium vaccae, in the soil which is found to trigger the release of Serotonin inside you. It's a chemical responsible for making you happy. Spending some time with the plants boosts up your oxygen levels, changing your biochemistry thereby leaving you peaceful. It is recommended that you have to raise a pet. Spending time with your pet is very important as your pet can easily change your mood. When you fondly touch your pet what happens is that it triggers the release of more Oxytocin inside you, which can easily reduce the amount of Cortisol; a stress related hormone inside. Animals are way more important. Regularize your exercise and do any form of exercise you like, at least for 30 minutes daily. If you are depressed, it's going to adversely affect your sleep cycle, with your tendency to sleep less or more than needed. Regularized exercise can make you sleep well. As an adult, you should have at least eight hours of sleep per night. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day can help you with your daily schedule. Regularize your sleeping time. Maintain a regular sleeping time. Sleep is so important that it can make you at your best the whole day. Practice love, which is the best possible step you can take and this is how you get your consciousness more expanded in such a way that you won't be depressed anymore...