Click > IELTS PERSONAL COACHING 🔑 TAKE AN APPOINTMENT VIA WhatsApp MESSAGE Coaching is the Key🔑 ONLINE IELTS COACHING OUR SPIRITUAL SERVICES IELTS Academic coaching is designed to help individuals prepare for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Academic exam. This exam is typically required for admission to universities and colleges in English-speaking countries and is also used for professional registration purposes. Here are some key points about IELTS Academic coaching from our end: Content and Format: IELTS Academic assesses a candidate's ability to use English in an academic context. It includes four sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. IELTS coaching for the Academic module focuses on these specific skills. Experienced Instructors: Our Coaching center offers online platforms as well and we have experienced instructors who are well-versed in the IELTS Academic test forma...
What makes you cruel?
What's your repentance? Well, Repentance is the activity of reviewing your actions and feeling contrition or regret for your past wrongs; which is accompanied by your commitment to actual actions that show and prove a change for the better. It's like a life review, you do on yourself if you feel like you have done something wrong. Every single moment, you are a new person and gives you an opportunity to look into yourself and judge yourself. Every single day comes up with a lot of opportunities for you to make changes in terms of life. Life is always out there with full of options, but most of you, unfortunately, take them for granted. Have you ever wondered how you can be changed or guided? Well, the answer is that only you can keep you changed and guided. Others can definitely give you some pieces of advice and it's you who have to put it into practice.
The significance of Repentance: Repentance definitely shows that you want to be changed from who you were before. It's your change to learn out of your past mistakes. If you stay repentant about your wrong actions and feel painful, it's the signature that you have been changed and you wouldn't repeat the same. The action of repentance definitely nullify the effects of your negative karma. You don't have to wait until your spirit gets awakened after death, and stay repentant. You can do that while living itself. It's so important in life that your actions decide the course of your life. You have to have an afterthought always whatever you do. In other words, repentance is the way through which you make a self analysis on your actions and thoughts and get them changed and so you won't have them repeated. Repentance, as a practice, is way more powerful than you have understood. Once you have done it, you get the muscle memory not to repeat the same mistakes again. A simple technique and effort from your part, making a drastic change in your life.
Why should you repent: You get filtered consciousness from your brain, which makes you always in a survival mode. That is the basic reason why you are so selfish. You compare your life with each other's. You see things in absolute separation and segregation. When you get your consciousness filetered, you get a colored vision, which forces you to make clashes and wars, treat animals and plants with cruelty and think that you are superior and even kill each other. This is how you made divisions in terms of gender, cash, color, religion, class, nation, ethnicity, race etc. All, the result of your visionary and auditory illusions out of a limited brain from a simulated system. It's suggested that you should have a life review at the end of your day, before you go to bed. Inspect your flaws. This is how you can correct yourself. Every morning, feel that it's a new birth and you are a changed, new person. When you change yourself, you can see how your life gets changed and how you get the things, you want so quickly. This happens because you are on the optimal path now and Creation is done, not to contradict you, but help you have the evolutionary process much faster. Change is always something that should come from within. If you are negatively polarized, it means that you have to take again the same level of birth to put yourself on the right track, the failure of which, makes you accept the same level of birth one more time and the process continues until you learn the correct lessons. Why should you do that especially when you are given the chance to be changed every single moment? Practice of love is the best means of your repentance. This is how you can have a drastic change in terms of your life and the funny part is that when you practice love, the change is brought to your life even without your knowledge...