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IELTS Coaching/Life Coaching Center in Palakkad, Kerala, India

IELTS Coaching/Life Coaching Center in Palakkad, Kerala, India

Click >  IELTS PERSONAL COACHING 🔑 TAKE AN APPOINTMENT VIA  WhatsApp  MESSAGE Coaching is the Key🔑 ONLINE IELTS COACHING OUR SPIRITUAL SERVICES IELTS Academic coaching is designed to help individuals prepare for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Academic exam. This exam is typically required for admission to universities and colleges in English-speaking countries and is also used for professional registration purposes. Here are some key points about IELTS Academic coaching from our end: Content and Format: IELTS Academic assesses a candidate's ability to use English in an academic context. It includes four sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. IELTS coaching for the Academic module focuses on these specific skills. Experienced Instructors:  Our Coaching center offers online platforms as well and we have experienced instructors who are well-versed in the IELTS Academic test forma...

Witchcraft, Sorcery or Black magic: Cause and Effect

How to build a Strong Family?.
Humans are engaged in Witchcraft and Sorcery for a long time and the practice is still going on. Have you ever wondered why it is happening and how it works. Simply have a check on it. 

What it is: Actually speaking, Magic is the power of influencing events apparently by using energy or tricks. It's divided into two types. 

a) White Magic: It's when you use magic for selfless purposes. White magic is practiced for healing or entertainment through blessing, charms or incantations.

 b) Black Magic: This where Witchcraft or Sorcery plays a key role. It's the traditional practice of using or manipulating energy for evil and selfish purposes and black magic is malicious.

How it works and the logic behind: The magic, be it black or white appears to have produced the results intended, but how? Well, it's possible because everything is energy and energy is neither negative, nor is it positive, but it can be converted into either negative or positive energy according to the way it's being used. Every single cell of your body functions as the receptor, capacitor, conductor and transmitter of energy and light. Actually speaking, everything including you is a pitch of energy vibrating in different frequencies. Energy can be converted or influenced and Matter is formed this way. Matter is actually the quantum entanglement of energy. 

 How energy can be manipulated: You are energy, whatever you see around is energy, your thoughts are electric energy, your feelings are magnetic energy and your actions are mechanical energy. You can manipulate and send energy to someone or something, as if you point a gun at someone or something. And you can fire energy as if you fire a gun. Your focus determines whether you have hit the target or missed it. You know what! Energy is everywhere and it's interconnected as well. Everything including you is emitting energy 24/7 and the phenomenon is called Bioluminescence and you can store and convey information in the Biophotons getting emitted. This explains why you get a call or visit  from somebody unexpectedly when you are thinking about them. This is how telepathy is at work. 

How effective the White or Black Magic can be: You are living in a Universe where everything is energy and your thoughts and intentions can and do influence Matter. For example It's scientifically proven that the distance healing is not only possible but is very real. The sending of healing intentions remotely (outside the reach of the physical senses) can influence the Autonomic nervous system of the recipient. The involuntary bodily functions like heart rate, digestion, sweat etc are being controlled by the Autonomic nervous system. It means that if you pray for someone who is ill in bed or bless her/him or genuinely wish her/him healing or well-being with your thoughts and emotions mixed and with the focus of your whole heart, it works wonders. In other words, you can mix your thoughts and emotions together and have an inner visualization and feeling of what you want has already been happened and form a charged invisible beam of manipulated energy wave which can be transmitted at a given target, be it someone or something. The energy wave is likely to hit the target and the effect of which is based on the frequency level it maintains. The more effort you put, the better frequency results you get. But if the targeted person or thing maintains higher level of vibratory frequency than that of your manipulated energy wave, the effect of the wave stands nullified on the target despite some initial complications. This is how you can convey energy to someone or something from a distance effectively and the same techniques can be used negatively as well. This is where your blessings and curses matter. The studies have also proven that Collective Transcendental meditation can cause the ripple effects of peace in the surrounding environment when a group meditates together. The black magicians use spells and incantations, different negative symbols, effigies and invocations based on the names or recitals of negative spirits as metaphors to get more focus on the desired goals. What they do actually is manipulating the energy, converting it into the negative force which can be fired at someone or something. 

Why black magic or sorcery is needed: When you concentrate on the misperception from your ego which is the distorted projection of your mind, you get to see things separate. You forget the fact that everything comes from the same source and everything is interconnected. Now you are so self centered that you don't like the progress your rivals or enemies make in life. You also feel that they can be held responsible for whatever problems you have. You want to annihilate their marriage, family or business. You want them to be sick, injured, hospitalized, killed or murdered so that you can be more peaceful or successful. But when you get more self centric you cause higher Entropy to your system, generating the negative karmic background. If you do something harmful to someone or something with the service to self motive, you, no matter who you are; client or performer of black magic, make sure that you are also going to get the same negative results sooner than later. The World works like mirror. You get back what you put out. 

How you can deal with Black magic: It's nothing but the energy manipulation and if you maintain the highest frequency of energy, the negative energy being unleashed at you can easily be repellent. The negative energy is either burnt off or nullified because of the greatest frequency level you have. Raise your vibration which can be done with practice. Start your day with a meditation for a few minutes where you improve your frequency through positive thoughts and inner visualization and regularize the practice. You get much better result if you meditate with concentration on some sound waves or recitals, hymns or mantras as your particular religious order suggests. Your frequency gets more enhanced through concentrated application of sound waves. Place or wear the objects which have already been positively charged like crystals, pendants or religious symbology. It works because the amount of negative charge applied against you can be compensated by the same or more amount of positive charge, being emitted from these objects, triggering the neutral effect. Make your life more focused on service to others. Use love as the tool to operate your system. The power of love makes your electromagnetic field much stronger that you are at the highest frequency and nothing can touch you, be it black magic, witchcraft or whatever...