Click > IELTS PERSONAL COACHING 🔑 TAKE AN APPOINTMENT VIA WhatsApp MESSAGE Coaching is the Key🔑 ONLINE IELTS COACHING OUR SPIRITUAL SERVICES IELTS Academic coaching is designed to help individuals prepare for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Academic exam. This exam is typically required for admission to universities and colleges in English-speaking countries and is also used for professional registration purposes. Here are some key points about IELTS Academic coaching from our end: Content and Format: IELTS Academic assesses a candidate's ability to use English in an academic context. It includes four sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. IELTS coaching for the Academic module focuses on these specific skills. Experienced Instructors: Our Coaching center offers online platforms as well and we have experienced instructors who are well-versed in the IELTS Academic test forma...
The Process of Ensoulment & Desoulment
Everyone of you does have the potential of attaining Samadhi. It is actually the final stage of your spiritual path through which you maintain the ultimate level of your consciousness.
What Samadhi is: Samadhi is the state of mind where you practice the external and internal disciplines. You maintain perfect balance in terms of your senses, which is achieved through the regular practice of physical exercise, breath control, withdrawal of the senses through meditation and concentration. Samadhi, in other words, is the state of higher level of consciousness where you feel the eternal bliss. The stage of Samadhi is achievable only through constant practice especially when you can stop the wheel of thoughts inside. The Sanskrit term Samadhi means bringing together or total self-collectedness. It practically means the unification of your mind. It's the highest stage of mental concentration, you practice where you don't maintain any deeper level of consciousness about the self. In other terms, it's the joyful state of calm, undisturbed by anger, desire or any sort of ego- generated thought or emotion. It's a state of meditative absorption, achieved through focused attention.
A) You are full of quantum consciousness: A normal person is totally controlled by the thoughts caused by the physical environment. Focus on the thoughts generates your feelings and emotions. In other words, thoughts trigger your biochemistry inside. Understand the fact that your happiness or sadness is never the result of the situations you face but it's triggered by your thought process in relation to the situations. When you can control your thoughts, what you achieve is the elimination of separation, you feel. You don't feel any distinction between the subject and object. When you control your thought process, you literally control your brain, using your quantum consciousness. As a result, you become free from the filtered vision of separation and it helps you attain Samadhi which is the state of non duality where you perceive yourself and the world around as the same. The state of Samadhi helps you transcend the limits, set by your body, mind and misperceived identity. In other terms, Samadhi helps you become one with everything.
B) The practice of self discipline: It's pretty difficult for you to attain Samadhi without following any discipline. Regular practice of meditation and physical exercise is needed, which helps you have more concentration. Always maintain a healthy diet. This is how you can improve the control on your sensory intake. State of Samadhi is a step by step process which requires your determination, patience and the sense of detachment from the outcome. You are supposed to practice deep breathing techniques as well to reduce your stress level and to improve the mental health.
C) Samadhi is an experience: Samadhi is your experience rather than practice. When you regularize your meditation with pure concentration, you can feel that you can transcend the limits of your body and reach a state of eternal bliss. When you do your meditation with more focus on Samadhi, you get the muscle memory to retain that stage whenever needed, given your life situations. The state of Samadhi can be developed through different stages. You experience some kind of detachment from the materialistic aspects of your life and fall into jubilation. And the very next stage of Samadhi is when your jubilation gets replaced by the calmness which is developed through improved concentration. You reach the third stage of Samadhi when you get your calmness converted into the sense of equanimity. Through the state of Samadhi, you achieve the total control of your sense organs and experience the withdrawal of senses as you are able to disengage your mind from external disturbances. This happens because you can control the way you react to your sensory faculties. Even though your sense organs can still detect the external stimulation, you control them in such a way that your state of mind is never disrupted.
D) Perceptional Difference: A Samadhist always follows truthfulness, non violence, empathy and the practice of non stealing. For a Samadhist, desire is the result of duality. A Samadhist knows that it's only one thing that is manifested in everything. This is the state where you don't have any desire or fear. You are focused not on your intellect but on your cosmic consciousness. Samadhic state of consciousness can be called as self-amorous ecstasy. This happens because you have totally been free from the materialistic aspects of your life and you feel the infinite bliss and power and later become aware that you are the infinite bliss itself. In other words, you become the enjoyer, object of the enjoyment and the enjoyment itself as you don't see any difference in between. A Samadhist is even capable of leaving the body by entering into the state of Samadhi. But you are able to come down from the state of Samadhi and can function normally. Samadhi is the state where you have total control over your mind and body. You use your consciousness to customize your neurochemistry inside and you become even powerful to achieve the voluntary death where you don't have to undergo any pain. A well practiced Samadhist can manipulate the process of Ensoulment and Desoulment. In short, Samadhi is your quantum awareness that you are never your body or whatever is produced by your body....