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IELTS Coaching/Life Coaching Center in Palakkad, Kerala, India

IELTS Coaching/Life Coaching Center in Palakkad, Kerala, India

Click >  IELTS PERSONAL COACHING 🔑 TAKE AN APPOINTMENT VIA  WhatsApp  MESSAGE Coaching is the Key🔑 ONLINE IELTS COACHING OUR SPIRITUAL SERVICES IELTS Academic coaching is designed to help individuals prepare for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Academic exam. This exam is typically required for admission to universities and colleges in English-speaking countries and is also used for professional registration purposes. Here are some key points about IELTS Academic coaching from our end: Content and Format: IELTS Academic assesses a candidate's ability to use English in an academic context. It includes four sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. IELTS coaching for the Academic module focuses on these specific skills. Experienced Instructors:  Our Coaching center offers online platforms as well and we have experienced instructors who are well-versed in the IELTS Academic test format. They can pro

How to blend your Heart & Head together? The Heart & Brain Coherence (HBC)

What happens when you cry?
How to blend your heart and head? Well, It's 100% possible and you are supposed to do that to live a perfect life. Your life is so precious that you are the only species on the Earth, that can achieve the heart and brain coherence(HBC). It's so easy to do and more effective than what you have ever imagined in your life. Just have a check. 

What your heart is: The heart is the first organ, being developed when you are in the womb. It's not just a pump for blood as the conventional science has taught you. It's actually working as another cranial brain inside. Your heart contains around 40,000 sensory neurites which can think, sense and remember things independently. The heart can also give necessary signals for the brain to function. The heart is similar to your fist in size and the blood is pumped throughout your body by your heart. The heart contains multiple layers of tissue. Your heart is placed in middle of your chest, between your right and left lung. It appears that the heart is, slightly, tilted to the left. The heart sits at the center of your chest and can weigh between 7 and 15 ounces. Generally speaking, on an average, a women's heart weighs approximately 8 ounces while the approximate weight a man's heart is 10 ounces. According to Ancient Wisdom, your heart starts beating for the first time when your spirit enters your body. Your heart is where you have your actual feelings. This is why you feel pain in your heart, rather than in your brain when you hear some sad news. 

What happens when you give more focus on the Brain: When you are focused more on the brain, it gives you all sorts of auditory and visionary illusions in day -to -day life as your conscious level is limited by the influence from the brain. These illusions are in general called the mirages of mindActually speaking, your level of consciousness lies way beyond the limits of your brain and It can be achieved only through the heart and brain coherence. When you are more focused on the brain, you get a colored vision of separation and segregationYour ego gets expanded in such a way that you feel superiority complex. If you think you are not beautiful, efficient, powerful, intelligent enough or if you are worried, sad, upset or fearful, then know that these are all the results you get when you give additional focus on the brain. In other words, more focus, placed on the brain can make you have either superiority or inferiority complex. The over focus given to your brain also makes you compete, conflict, and even war. 

What happens when you give more focus on the heart: Relying too much on your heart, you are likely to make dangerous or impulsive decisions with harmful consequences. When  you face any kind of pressure, listening to your heart can make you more emotional and it's likely to cause some damaging outcomes. Your feelings like insecurity, anger, anxiety and frustration cause your heart to respond to it in an inconsistent manner. These inconsistencies are sent to emotional centers in the brain which recognizes such experience as negative or stressful. Your heart and brain can send information to each other. Your emotions arise from activity in distinct regions of the brain. Three brain structures can be closely linked with emotions; the Amygdala, the Insula or Insular cortex, and a structure in the midbrain called the Periaqueductal Gray. Even though that's the case, the heart is responsible for channelizing the emotions. Emotional processes result in changes in heart rate (HR), heart rate variability (HRV) and contractility. So, when you give more focus on your heart, you are engulfed by the emotions in a dangerous way as the heart can process your emotions. You are likely to be unbearably sad or depressed or likely to be easily fooled or cheated by others when you give more focus on your heart as you are gullible. Your heart and brain incoherence can also be triggered by the mental schism. Spiritually speaking, you start your human birth cycle with 100% left brain imbalance by default. Through many repeated birth cycles you get to know how to use your body and develop right brain orientation. But when you keep a balance between the left and right brain orientation, that's the advanced signature of your evolution. This is what happens when you achieve the heart and brain coherence. 

What heart and brain coherence is & how you are affected by it: It's simply a state of unity and integration of mind, body and spirit when your thoughts, intentions and actions are seamlessly in alignment. It not only has powerful effects on your mental and emotional health, stability and resilience, but also on your physical health, affecting heart rate, immune system, sleep quality and overall energy level. You will be in a state of coherence where you are honest with yourself as you can accept your feelings in response to the facts wholeheartedly and you can take an aligned action from the bottom of our heart always. When you have your heart and brain function coherently, you can feel whole, feel unity with yourself and the whole World. You can enjoy deep Inner peace, decreased stress, increased energy and vitality, enhanced creativity and mastery of greater resilience, solid mental health and Improved physical health, deeper emotional connection with yourself and others and in addition to the above, you will have emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence or emotional quotient or EQ is your ability to use, or manage your own emotions more positively in such a way that it helps you relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict with 100% social awareness. The heart and brain coherence is your gateway to a whole lot of super human abilities including super cognitive skills, super memory and longevity and youthfulness. 

How you can achieve the heart and brain coherence: It so simple. And there is only one step. Check the step below. 

Step: Use love as the tool to function: Start your day with 5- minute meditation where you reaffirm that you are the part of the Universe and you are extremely powerful. And practice Love which is the ultimate level of consciousness you can have. When you have pure love inside, you have heart and brain coherence too. Your heart broadcasts what you want into the Universe so that the very fabric of the Universe morphs to accommodate your needs. You feel way more powerful than you have ever felt before and you get access to anyone else's consciousness. At a glace itself you know what a person's basic nature or intension is and you tend to behave accordingly. You develop the urge to defend yourself against the violence, inflicted upon yourself or someone else and you strongly react against the infraction of Natural law. You can use your consciousness to control your brain wherever needed and as you are free from the filtered consciousness, your brain makes, you keep a strong balance between your left and right brain imbalance. You know the the heart works together with the brain to manifest the vibrational conditions, necessary to co-create the life of your desires and you find yourself able to work in partnership with the Universe to manifest the life of your dreams...