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IELTS Coaching/Life Coaching Center in Palakkad, Kerala, India

IELTS Coaching/Life Coaching Center in Palakkad, Kerala, India

Click >  IELTS PERSONAL COACHING 🔑 TAKE AN APPOINTMENT VIA  WhatsApp  MESSAGE Coaching is the Key🔑 ONLINE IELTS COACHING OUR SPIRITUAL SERVICES IELTS Academic coaching is designed to help individuals prepare for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Academic exam. This exam is typically required for admission to universities and colleges in English-speaking countries and is also used for professional registration purposes. Here are some key points about IELTS Academic coaching from our end: Content and Format: IELTS Academic assesses a candidate's ability to use English in an academic context. It includes four sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. IELTS coaching for the Academic module focuses on these specific skills. Experienced Instructors:  Our Coaching center offers online platforms as well and we have experienced instructors who are well-versed in the IELTS Academic test forma...

Greed: What causes your greed and How can you deal with that?

Why war is a Man's Game?
Greed is actually a constraint on the Human evolution. Greed is your optical illusion. It does have a long history and it's coming out of your misperception about life and how life is at work. Just have a look into what greed is. 

What greed is: Your greed is your expression of an excessive desire for money or any possession. Greed is your labeled behavior where you care too much about your possessions and want something more and more. It's nothing but your desire for more money and more things in an excessive way. Greed eats you up in such a way that your life is 100% wasted due to the bad traits. It makes you develop selfishness, anger, jealousy and unhealthy competition. It sucks up every strand of happiness and results in your unhappy death. Greed leaves you unsatisfied with everything. Analytically speaking, greed is the natural consequence of your extreme level of orientation into your possessions and you think that nothing else lies beyond it. Now you are unable to control yourself and you want to have everything and be everything. Greed ruins you in the long run as you see others as your potential catch, with your predatory mentality. You are so engulfed by greed that every single second you calculate how to use others for your benefit and you will always have the tendency to compete. But know that there's sufficiency only for your need not for your greed. 

Why you are greedy: You are greedy as you give more importance to your ego which is the distorted projection of your mind. The mind is the tool through which your bipolar brain works. You have visual illusions 24/7 from the brain. The brain always makes you believe what you see. But the truth lies way beyond your misperceived sight. Greed is, actually speaking, your character trait rather than your emotion. Greed is a habit you get through constant repetition. It appears that in some people there is some genetic reason for greed. Greed is the part of your animal instinct. You are more animalistic than human when you are greedy. This is how you get the greed institutionalized. Arginine Vasopressin Receptor 1A (AVPR1A) is a gene protein product which can be seen in the body including the brain, blood vessels, liver etc can be associated with your greed. The gene is located in Chromosome 12 and it appears that extremely selfish and greedy people have a shorter version of the gene (AVPR1A).

How you are affected: Greed has unpleasant effects on your inner self. It makes you repeat your birth of the same level of consciousness one more time to correct the lesson. Greed begins in the neurochemistry of the brain. What fuels your greed is a hormone neurotransmitter in the brain called Dopamine. Unchecked greed can destroy the soul of humanity like a great cancer, metastasizing throughout society and it will inflict severe damage to the environment. The victory of greed over compassion may ultimately cause the downfall of human civilisation. Greed always makes you feel that you have got a small share which is not enough. Wealthier people tend to cheat on their taxes more often than those with lower incomes. Greed can definitely affect the way your government thinks about the GDP growth. If the governmental authorities are greedy, then it's going to adversely affect the progress of the country. 

How you can get over it:  As greed is your misperception, you can easily get it removed with the actual perception. Always think that you are the maker of your reality and you can change that anytime you like. If it's your genetic problem, remember that you are born with Genetic plasticity, which means that you can change even your genetic problems on demand, with proper action, practice and faith. Understand the fact that you are in a simulated game only to get evolved and here you literally don't own anything including your body. When you go, what you get back from here is your karma according to which your next birth can be formed. Greed is the signature that you focused on self service and if you don't use this opportunity to learn a lesson properly, it's getting extended to next life where you learn the missing lesson, rather suffering. Never focus on your misperceived mind. Focus on your inner self for the right perception. Ask questions touching your heart, it will lead you ahead properly. It is more important to give than to receive. Try to remember and feel the difference between those who helped you when you were in need and those who didn't help. You can easily understand the value of service in life. You are not supposed to live only for yourself. Look around the World, you can see mutual assistance, cooperation and collaboration are the principles through which the entire Universe works. It's the cooperation of different planets that made the Earthly life possible. Matter is formed when energy is cooperative. Whatever you see outside is the result of cooperation. Nothing can be perfectly done independently. Cooperation of multiple cells make your body. If your cells are not cooperative then there is no life for you. Even the animals and plants maintain symbiotic relationship. Always think about those loved ones whose lives can be improved with your help and support. Practice loveThe Creation started with love and evolved through love. The practice helps you have the habit of greed obliterated...