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IELTS Coaching/Life Coaching Center in Palakkad, Kerala, India

IELTS Coaching/Life Coaching Center in Palakkad, Kerala, India

Click >  IELTS PERSONAL COACHING 🔑 TAKE AN APPOINTMENT VIA  WhatsApp  MESSAGE Coaching is the Key🔑 ONLINE IELTS COACHING OUR SPIRITUAL SERVICES IELTS Academic coaching is designed to help individuals prepare for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Academic exam. This exam is typically required for admission to universities and colleges in English-speaking countries and is also used for professional registration purposes. Here are some key points about IELTS Academic coaching from our end: Content and Format: IELTS Academic assesses a candidate's ability to use English in an academic context. It includes four sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. IELTS coaching for the Academic module focuses on these specific skills. Experienced Instructors:  Our Coaching center offers online platforms as well and we have experienced instructors who are well-versed in the IELTS Academic test forma...

How are you responsible for yourself?

How does housing affect your life?
In your life, you are responsible for everything. Life is a simulated process for your evolution. In life, you can experience everything that you can't without a body. This is how you get experienced and evolved. In other words, life is the chance for you to get your consciousness expanded, thereby evolving yourself. You are on a journey to be God

You are the player of the game: Actually speaking, most of you, even though you know this, never take this seriously into consideration. Life happens to you only when you allow that to happen. As a player of the game of life, you and your Karma are literally responsible for everything happening in your life. When you are more aware about your responsibility involved, you tend to fight less and feel offended less or angry less. And you suffer less. Your life is the game of energy maintenance. Everything including you is energy. Your life happens to you according to the way you have set your core vibratory order. That's why you get things not according to the way you want, but according to the frequency level you maintain. Even though you can't control what's happening to you in your life, remember that you can control yourself. The way you respond to life events really matters. 

The good and bad aspects in life: Actually speaking, there's no difference between a good and a bad thing in life. It's all perceptual  variations. And it's different from people to people. As good things are, bad things also happen to you either as a part of your responsibility or Karma. Understand the fact that good and bad things are part of your life. The bad thing is definitely your learning process. Only through bad things, you tend to recognize the quality of good things more in your life. To know the true value of happiness, you are supposed to experience sadness first. Happiness together with sadness works like the two sides of the same coin of life. 

Focus on yourself: It doesn't mean that you have to be selfish. You get things in life according to what you are. Your life actually matches the energy of your thoughts, emotions and actions. In other words, the Universe responds to you according to the energy level you broadcast. What you have to do is stop blaming others and stop complaining. Understand the fact that you are capable of making yourself happy. Try to see only the good in people and avoid the network of negative company. Judge yourself, not others and make use of your power of intention. Live in the present. Stop chasing things or people. Let them chase you back. When you focus on yourself and act on your highest excitement, you tend to get everything including peace

Acknowledge that your life is your responsibility: Understand the fact that you're in charge when it comes to your life and no one else can live your life for you. Even though you try to blame others for whatever happened in your life, actually speaking, every single event in your life is the result of the choice you made and your role in it is never negligible. You have to deepen your understanding about yourself and others. Your thoughts definitely matter in your life. The repetitive thought patterns mixed with your emotions can easily be planted in your subconscious mind, thereby giving you the muscle memory about the necessary actions, you have to take in this regard. This reprograming mechanism of your brain eventually helps you have your dreams realized one day. Always remember that your thoughts precede your actions and by using your consciousness, you can customize your thought process and nurture positive thinking.

 You become free: When you realize the fact that you are responsible for your life, you become free. You no longer need anyone else's permission to take decisions on your life. It is all about the choices you make. You are free to do anything and remember that you are free to make mistakes and learn from the mistakes you make. And you are free to accept the result of your actions. With your new sense of freedom, you have to stop the blame game you have been playing so far. Never ascribe your mistakes or failures to others because nobody else handles the responsibility of your life. It's high time you changed your victim mentality. You also have to understand the fact that there are things that lie beyond your personal control and what you can do at your best is control yourself. You are supposed to shoulder your responsibility and build your self esteem and confidence. This is how you can stop living someone else's dream and follow yours. When you do that, you will get to see the new life for you. It's not because of the life for you has been changed, but you have changed instead. You have taken charge of your life, charting your own course and owning your destiny. Your mind can be a fear monger or nay- sayer if you don't get it programed accordingly. You can reprogram it via meditation or lucid dreams on a daily basis and this is how you can get rid of the nay-sayer inside. This is how you can be the captain of your life, ditching the blame game. 

The policy of Detachment: Your ability to be happy must never be attached to a particular, desired outcome. If you want to have something, the first step, you have to take is stop your attachment to having it. It may sound a little bit paradoxical, but you have to understand the reality behind it. True detachment actually causes your active involvement. This happens because your lack of attachment to the outcome makes you more focused. Detachment you nurture is never your separation from life, but it's the absolute freedom you have planted in your mind, which makes you more energetic to explore living. When you feel attached to someone or something, you feel like you won't be the whole if you don't have it. It makes you have the tendency to want something or someone always, broadcasting literally your doubts to lose what you want. As a result, you tend to be anxious, angry, jealous, hopeless or sad. In other words, you develop some kind of disconnection towards what you want. This is how you tend to suffer more when you are extremely attached to some relationship, social status, cash, job or whatever. Detachment actually is your ability to distinguish between your ego and the actual situation. When you develop detachment, you get more focused on what you need. Act on your highest excitement with zero expectations. When you are not focused on a particular outcome, doing things at your best, you tend to get whatever is needed even without asking for. And it's the quantum principle of life.

Practice Love: Practicing Love is the very important step you have to take in your life. The practice can eventually make you successful in life...