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The Mechanics behind Manifestation

Symbology is always being used and the importance of which most of the commoners do not perceive. This happens because it's been made occult practice. The use of symbology can easily be identified both in oriental and occidental occult practices. Symbols are powerful as you can easily make them your focul point and use them for energy concentration. You can use a symbol to be positively or negatively recharged. The symbols are, actually speaking, the instruments through which people can channelize the universal energy. The use of symbology always gives you the metaphorical assistance in terms of energy manipulation.
Why symbols are needed: Human consciousness is divergent by design. And it's pretty difficult for a normal person to focus on a particular point or subject for long. Even though the focus of attention can be acquired via incessant practice through meditation or lucid dreaming, it's a step by step process which takes some time for sure. This is where the importance of symbology comes in. The use of symbols for a particular purpose helps your concentration even without your knowledge. The ancient practitioners did know this well and that's why it's been widely used. Remember the fact that you can easily identify your favorite social media Apps by icons. The use of symbology is not a modern practice and even the cavemen had their particular totems in the form of stones, leaves, plants or animals. Different symbols with different geometric forms are used in the ancient occult practice and these symbols are called Yantras in oriental occultism.
What you can do with symbology: Actually speaking, symbols can always energize you. You can purchase any symbols and recharge them all on your own. You can use any form of the symbols or any objects in the form of symbols, be it a piece of stone or twig. Usually different geometric forms like dots, triangles, stars with different points, squares, circles, etc are used as symbols (Yantra). The dots represent the fact that everything existing in the Universe is one and everything is full of the only one being, experimented itself in difference. The triangular structures like triangle pointing upward symbolizes the masculine energy and the triangle with a downward point is the representation of feminine energy. The circle symbolizes the continuity of space, time and your existence. Square is the representation of your physicality and materialistic aspects of life. Symbols are also used with representation of the deity of your choice or any animal or plant you like. Symbols are also available with some recitals or mantras, inscribed on them. Nowadays with the help of technology symbols can be inscribed on accessories like rings, lockets, bracelets and so on. The principle behind it is the fact that everything is energy, energy can influence and energy can be recharged. It's going to help you focus more on your goals. What you do actually with these symbols is channelize and absorb energy directly from the Universe and make use of its power for the betterment of your life. You can use your symbols in the following ways to keep yourself more energized.
A) Meditative purpose: The basic problem a beginner faces in terms of practicing meditation is the accurate focus on the goal. Using symbols is helpful in this regard. Place your symbol of choice in front of you and put yourself in a meditate mode. Strengthen your inner visualization and imagine that you imbibe energy from the Universe through the symbol and are yourself recharged with the cosmic energy of strength and stamina. As a next step, you reaffirm that the symbol is the instrument that makes you powerful enough to achieve your target as fast as possible and start wearing the symbol in the form of pendant or bracelet or whatever. Regulaeizing this mode of meditation not only makes you energized throughout the day but also gives you the muscle memory about taking necessary actions to realize your goals every single moment. When you regularly do this kind of meditation, not only you, but your symbol of use is also positively recharged. As a result, the solo concentration of energy is maintained and it works as a protective layer for you and helps you ward off negative energy and entities.
B) Astrological purpose: Your zodiac signs can influence your life cycle as your soul has acquired it via Karma from the previous birth cycle. The planetary order at the time of your birth can also influence your life. You are capable of customizing your life, nullifying the effects of astrological calculations. You can use your free will to build up the life you want. Even though you can't change your karmic fate, you can definitely reduce its influence by customizing your life. This is where you can use the power of symbols, recharging them positively and wearing them. You can recharge your symbols in such a way that you are determined to make changes in terms of your life, reducing the influence of malefic planets. Do that on a regular basis with a meditative mode for 5 to 10 minutes. The practice can boost your level of confidence and you get thoroughly energized. And it also strengthens your muscle memory to take necessary actions needed. You can also wear the symbols in the form of jewellery items which have already been positively recharged by an expert. Once you have your symbols recharged, they can spark positive energy always around you, strengthening your vibratory frequency especially when you are down.
C) Architectural Purpose: You are living in a world where everything is energy including yourself. Once energy is positively or negatively converted, it continues to be the same until someone gets it recharged in the opposite way. It's the same case with your brain, once it's negatively recharged, it's going to produce the cyclical effect of a series of negative thoughts which get recycled in multiple forms until you let your brain get positively recharged. This is what's literally done via meditation or Lucid dreaming. The geographical locations, places, the rooms in your house or office etc are also not free from the effect of recharged energy. For example, if something positive or negative happens inside a room, the energy in the room can absorb the energy of the people involved and it continues to have its ripple effects even though the event finished. And whoever comes to the room gets positively or negatively recharged even without their knowledge. That can definitely influence your thought process, feelings and actions. When you recharge your symbol of choice positively and wear it or wear a symbolic representation, already recharged, it can always keep you more energized no matter what kind of energy, the place you are in represents. Placing positively recharged symbology or Yantras at strategic locations can convert the negatively recharged place into a positively recharged one and keep it positive always. This happens because the positively recharged objects always emit the positive waves. The symbols can also reduce the energy fluctuations because of the architectural issues or Vastu dosha.
D) Devotional purpose: Symbols are widely used for devotional purpose as well. The idols of deities and some particular religious symbols, names or figures, inscribed on the jewelry items can be used for this purpose. These symbols are positively recharged by trained professionals and they emit positive energy always. The use of devotional symbology helps you ward off negative energy and evil spirits. Actually speaking, the basic purpose behind devotional worship is to enhance the employment of your consciousness and improve your focus on a particular goal or target. The deities you worship, symbolically are the representation of your higher self or the Universe itself. In other words, deities are the metaphorical, symbolic representation of your divine self with which you become more energized and concentrated on channelizing the pure consciousness towards yourself, strengthening your focus on your goals. Regular worship or any other ritualistic performance or Upasana, done with focus is going to enhance your electromagnetic frequency. Symbols in devotional purpose work as your metaphorical aids to strengthen yourself. They help you have the proper employment of consciousness from your part thereby leaving you more positively polarized.
Symbols are used to make you more concentrated in terms of your life. You can use symbols to control your mind and achieve your goals especially when you are less confident and totally engulfed by the simulated game of life...